Dear Jackrabbit devs,

we are considering Jackrabbit for a bigger CMS project (about
3 million documents, up to 150 concurrent editing users,
lots of queries, transactions), Cocoon-based application.
As I understand it, that would certainly require a scalable
repository (has to be decided).

Now, a news message [1] on TheServerSide about benchmarks provided
by Alfresco to prove the superiority of their JCR implementation
raises some concerns.

Since the benchmarks are (going to be) open source, is someone
interested in running them on Jackrabbit?

A post in the thread claims that Jackrabbit isn't suited for
large-scale scenarios and faces some problems in the transactional
handling of some 100.000 nodes (Kev Smith, [2]):

"From what we've seen, Alfresco is comparable to JackRabbit for small
case scenarios - but Alfresco is much more scalable [...]"

Do you agree to this statement? If yes - are these problems related
to the persistence manager abstraction? Is this a known issue, and
will it be addressed?

Another paragraph from this post:

"We tried to load up JackRabbit with millions of nodes but always ran
into blocker issues after about 2 million or so objects. Also when
loading up JackRabbit, the load needed to be carefully performed in
small chunks e.g. trying to load in 100,000 nodes at a time would cause
PermGenSpace errors (even with a HUGE permgenspace!) and potentially
place the repo into a non-recoverable state."

I'm not sure if this will really be an issue for our usage
scenario (except maybe from restoring backups), but I'm very
interested in your opinions.

Thanks a lot in advance!


-- Andreas

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