
On 12/4/06, Jukka Zitting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There  is some issue with running rmic through the antrun plugin
when a component is a part of a multimodule build, so for now the
jackrabbit-jcr-rmi and jackrabbit-webapp components need to be
individually built.

See JCR-661, where Jan Kuzniak already solved this issue!

Now the sequence to checkout and *all* the Jackrabbit release
components is simply:

   $ svn checkout http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/jackrabbit/trunk jackrabbit
   $ cd jackrabbit
   $ mvn install

This builds and packages all the components in correct order, installs
them in the local Maven 2 and Maven 1 repositories, and even outputs a
nice summary at the end.

There are still some things (like checkstyle integration) missing, but
overall things work even nicer than I had hoped.


Jukka Zitting

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