(once again, official :-)

we (day software) offer our set of bundle persistence managers to the
jackrabbit project. those persistence managers combine the node and
property states into a single bundle and store them together. this
improves performance and reduces storage-memory overhead (no exact
numbers available). The bundle persistence managers also have a
"bundle-cache" that does a memory sensitive caching of the bundles and
a negative cache for non-existent bundles. small binary properties are
inlined into the bundle rather than stored in the blob store.

patch: http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12351599/JCR-755.patch.gz
md5: a8accf17e35d1dec52f5b4fcc277bb9e

Please vote on including those persistence managers to the Apache
Jackrabbit codebase. The vote is open for the next 72 hours, and only
votes from Jackrabbit committers are binding. The vote passes if at
least three +1 votes
and no vetos are cast.

[ ] +1 Include [JCR-775] into Apache Jackrabbit Codebase
[ ] -1 Do not include the classes because...

regards, toby
-----------------------------------------< [EMAIL PROTECTED] >---
Tobias Bocanegra, Day Management AG, Barfuesserplatz 6, CH - 4001 Basel
T +41 61 226 98 98, F +41 61 226 98 97
-----------------------------------------------< http://www.day.com >---

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