
On 6/5/07, Edgar Poce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It's my understanding that projects under contrib should be there
only if it's planned to release them. However, there are a few contrib
projects I contributed that I think don't match this criteria because
it's been a while since they are in contrib and there's no interest
from the community.

You're correct about the release requirement; we shouldn't keep code
that we have no intention of ever releasing. This however doesn't
meant that each of the contrib components should have a tight roadmap
of when and how they will be included in Jackrabbit releases. I'm
happy to keep contrib components around as long as they are related to
JCR and have at least a remote chance of getting released in the

If no one opposes I'd like to remove the following projects.

- vfs
- sanitycheck
- jcr-taglib
- jcr-commands
- jcr-navigator

I have interest in jcr-taglib, commands and navigator, I used them in
previous projects and I'll probably use them again, so if no one
opposes I'd like move them to google code or sourceforge.

All of those components are cool stuff that I'd love to see released
at some point with Jackrabbit. You're of course free to take the code
elsewhere, but if you do see yourself working with them also in the
future, then I would instead suggest that we push to get the
components promoted to release status within Jackrabbit. Having the
components integrated in the main buid system and included in official
release would likely lower the bar for more people to use them. All
the above components pass at least my informal code and design quality
metrics for inclusion in Jackrabbit releases.


Jukka Zitting

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