I have been reviewing the implementation I submitted for mixin support in JCR-1100 and am struggling with how to proceed. On the one hand I think the implementation that was submitted is nice since it has some amount of type safety and gives the developer the ability to cast objects. On the other hand, how is a developer to know what to cast the objects to? I am starting to experiment with using the bean generator cglib code which will allow me to use regular javabeans. My idea is that the mapped node type would be used to instantiate the object and then for mixin properties I would create a new class dynamically which contains all the mixin's properties. I would modify the object converter to first create the object with its nodes mapped properties then I would take each mixin for its node and grab the attributes for the mixin based on the mixin definition mapped in xml (not sure how to handle this in JDK 1.5 where the mappings are done with annotations) and add these attributes to a new class which is a subclass of the node's defined class. This new class would have properties defined for each property in the mixin.

Has anyone else thought about how to handle this? Is this really a need, or should I just go back to using hashmaps (not something I really like, but....)


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