
I'm not sure if this will help more than it will complicate things.

- Isn't almost every class at in o.a.j.core at least somewhat session related?

- If you move classes to other packages, you will have to make many
method public.

Instead of moving session related classes to a separate package, what
about moving unrelated classes to different packages? For example
TestContentLoader (>test), RepositoryCopier (>utilities),
SearchManager (>search), NodeTypeInstanceHandler (>nodetype),
RepositoryChecker (>persistence), UserPerWorkspaceSecurityManager
(>security), DefaultSecurityManager (>security), ItemValidator


On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 10:43 AM, Jukka Zitting <jukka.zitt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> As a part of my work on JCR-890, I'm planning to move most of the
> session-related classes from o.a.j.core to a new o.a.j.core.session
> package. This will make it easier to review and control related
> dependencies and code paths, and to ultimately guard them against
> access from concurrent threads.
> As the first step I'm simply moving the relevant classes and making
> the minor dependency changes where needed, so the functional risk
> should be low. However, the moves will likely invalidate many other
> pending jackrabbit-core changes, so please let me know if you have
> pending changes that I should wait for before I move these classes.
> Unless there's a need to wait, I'm planning to commit the changes in
> the afternoon today.
> BR,
> Jukka Zitting

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