The Apache Jackrabbit community is pleased to announce the release of
Apache Jackrabbit Filevault 3.1.14. The release is available for download at:

See the full release notes below for details about this release.

Release Notes -- Apache Jackrabbit FileVault -- Version 3.1.14

The FileVault introduces a JCR repository to filesystem mapping. The mapping
is exposed by and API and used by the _CRX Content Packaging_  that allows to
create portable packages of repository content.

The Vault Command Line Interface aka _vlt_ that provides a subversion like
utility to work and develop with repository content.

Changes in Jackrabbit FileVault 3.1.14
Bug Fixes:
* [JCRVLT-63] - DocViewSAXImporter relies on implementation detail wrt
authorizable Id
* [JCRVLT-64] - Nodes that have a user parent are not installed if
they are in the same .content.xml as their parent
* [JCRVLT-65] - Packages of authorizable content rely on a stable
authorizable path
* [JCRVLT-66] - Updating an exiting authorizable does not work if on
different path (mode=merge)
* [JCRVLT-67] - rep:authorizableId might be removed on package install
causing error in oak
* [JCRVLT-68] - Wrong JAVA_HOME default location for OSX Yosemite
* [JCRVLT-75] - Installing rep:policy on root node fails (regression
of JCRVLT-71)
* [JCRVLT-76] - Installing 2 moved sibling authorizables fails (regression)
* [JCRVLT-77] - AdminPermissionChecker fails if user can't read itself.

* [JCRVLT-72] - Add support for global remapping content during
package installation.
* [JCRVLT-57] - Update maven-scr-plugin to 1.19.0 to allow building with Java 8
* [JCRVLT-71] - Allow creation of ancestor user nodes when they are
not explicitly included in a filter

* [JCRVLT-70] - Change exported JMX name of PackageManagerMBeanImpl

Changes in Jackrabbit FileVault 3.1.8
Bug Fixes:
* [JCRVLT-55] - vlt st should notify the user executed in a directory
notunder vault control

* [JCRVLT-54] - [vault-rcp] Allow single task retrieval
* [JCRVLT-56] - Add support for oak system users

* [JCRVLT-52] - Set maven-compiler-plugin target/source version to 1.6

Changes in Jackrabbit FileVault 3.1.6
Bug Fixes:
* [JCRVLT-48] - BinMetaDir causes test failures in windows
* [JCRVLT-45] - Uninstallation of package fails if snapshot of
sub-package is missing

Changes in Jackrabbit FileVault 3.1.2
New Features:
* New project documentation on

Bug Fixes:
* [JCRVLT-43] - vault-doc has duplicate artifactId
* [JCRVLT-44] - Regression: child node order to respected for mixed
aggregate parents

* [JCRVLT-19] - Document filter.xml format

Changes in Jackrabbit FileVault 3.1.0
New Features:
* [JCRVLT-25] - Implement AccessControlHandling MERGE and MERGE_PRESERVE
* [JCRVLT-30] - Allow package definition to specify recursive install behavior

Bug Fixes:
* [JCRVLT-17] - Provide better abstraction for install hook handling
* [JCRVLT-22] - Import of SNS content on not supporting repositories
* [JCRVLT-23] - Integration tests fail with Jackrabbit Oak
* [JCRVLT-24] - Childnode order not respected for detached full
coverage sub aggregates
* [JCRVLT-26] - File vault stores passwords in clear text in ~/.vault/auth.xml
* [JCRVLT-27] - "vlt rcp" requires credentials as URL parameters
* [JCRVLT-34] - NPE in MemoryArchive
* [JCRVLT-36] - IllegalArgumentException while extracting subpackages
* [JCRVLT-37] - Regression: Order of ACE entries is not correct
* [JCRVLT-39] - Regression: installing a package with repository ACL fails
* [JCRVLT-41] - ImportMode=UPDATE deletes existing nodes
* [JCRVLT-42] - Do not allow creation of packages with illegal JCR names

* [JCRVLT-28] - Improve package import for subtrees
* [JCRVLT-31] - Packages defined by a stream are copied to a file first

Changes in Jackrabbit FileVault 3.0.0
New features:

    Version 3.0.0 is the initial version of this contribution to the Apache
    Jackrabbit project.

    For more detailed information about all the changes in this and other
    FileVault releases, please see the FileVault issue tracker at

Bug Fixes:
* [JCR-3661] jcrvlt: String[]{""} not packaged correctly

* [JCR-3612] Contribute Adobe's FileVault to ASF
* [JCR-3649] FileVault: fix usage of @inheritDoc in constructor documentation
* [JCR-3666] FileVault: VaultFsConfig11 references incorrect classes
from prior versions
* [JCR-3664] FileVault: fix javadoc for PlatformNameFormatter
* [JCR-3663] FileVault: tweak gitignore file
* [JCR-3648] FileVault: remove dependecyManagement entry for
* [JCR-3647] FileVault: update maven-scr-plugin and maven-bundle-plugin versions

Release Contents
This release consists of a single source archive packaged as a zip file.
The archive can be unpacked with the jar tool from your JDK installation.
See the README.txt file for instructions on how to build this release.

The source archive is accompanied by SHA1 and MD5 checksums and a PGP
signature that you can use to verify the authenticity of your download.
The public key used for the PGP signature can be found at

About Apache Jackrabbit
Apache Jackrabbit is a fully conforming implementation of the Content
Repository for Java Technology API (JCR). A content repository is a
hierarchical content store with support for structured and unstructured
content, full text search, versioning, transactions, observation, and

For more information, visit

About The Apache Software Foundation
Established in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation provides organizational,
legal, and financial support for more than 100 freely-available,
collaboratively-developed Open Source projects. The pragmatic Apache License
enables individual and commercial users to easily deploy Apache software;
the Foundation's intellectual property framework limits the legal exposure
of its 2,500+ contributors.

For more information, visit

Apache Jackrabbit, Jackrabbit, Apache, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache
Jackrabbit project logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.

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