Thanks for the help, but I think the problem I mentioned is real, and is a
genuine problem.

Basically what I'm saying is this: If I add only JCR_ADD_CHILD_NODES
privilege it fails to work. That privilege cannot work by itself. It only
+ JCR_WRITE. So it's either a bug, or it is a serious design mistake in the
API itself, at least based on my reasoning. Because as I said, it's a
common use case to have one user need to share a node with other users
without giving those other users ability to EDIT what I shared. Like if i
want people able to comment under my blog, I but I don't want people
EDITING my blog. That's a sample use case. However it's not a showstopper.
In my app "", I just only allow a user to edit the content of a
node if they are the CREATOR of the node. So I add that security hack on
top of the core security. It's a hack, but the JCR seriously needs to
address this, unless I'm making a mistake, which I don't think I am,
because other users (StackOverflow) ran into this also. I probably should
write this up as a BUG in the Jira and get the attention of the developers.

Best regards,
Clay Ferguson

On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 9:33 AM, Angela Schreiber <> wrote:

> hi clay
> Privilege.JCR_ADD_CHILD_NODES indicates that you can create
> child nodes (without explicitly specifying the primary or mixin
> types). if you wanted to use Node.addNode(String, String)
> you additionally have to grant Privilege.JCR_NODE_TYPE_MANAGEMENT.
> however, as far as other, non-protected properties are concerned that
> you want to add below your target node:
> as of Oak 1.0 (rewrite of the JCR repository) the
> privileges has been adjusted to actually be an aggregation of
> _add_, _alter_ and _remove_ properties (thus reflecting the fact
> that some applications only want people to _add_ content but not
> provide them the ability to _modify_ it later on). those privileges are
> define in JCR but come with a 'rep' prefix. in the old jackrabbit 2.x
> this is not possible and Privilege.JCR_MODIFIY_PROPERTIES is
> not an aggregate privilege.
> hope that helps
> angela
> On 26/07/15 18:34, "Clay Ferguson" <> wrote:
> >Fellow Jackrabbits,
> >I'm working on an "socia media" type application and trying to add a
> >feature that allows a user to share a node with another user, but the
> >person getting shared to should ONLY be able
> > to ADD child nodes, and not actually edit the node being shared. This
> >means I would like for Privilege.JCR_ADD_CHILD_NODES to actually do what
> >it's name implies. But it doesn't. It seems that in order to get
> >Privilege.JCR_ADD_CHILD_NODES to work, I *also*
> > have to include Privilege.JCR_WRITE which I specifically do NOT want.
> >Think of it like this: I have a blog node (for example), and I want
> >people to be able to make comments on my blog under it but not edit my
> >blog themselves. Am I doing something wrong? Should
> > this work?
> >
> >
> >The app is
> > <> if anybody cares.
> >
> >
> >​- ​
> >Clay Fergu
> >
> >​son​
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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