Dan North wrote:
Hi team.

Can everyone kick the tyres on 1.1.0 please? That's the download links on the website (I've already checked but I'm paranoid), the javadocs (ditto), the eclipse and idea plugins, and any implied or otherwise promises to address world hunger. If all is well I'll announce the release tomorrow. This is the one I intend to make the noise about, so it needs to be at least mostly ok :)

On my side:
- Eclipse plugin 1.1.0 now installs and works correctly on Mac
- I've uploaded maven plugin 1.1.0 to Codehaus repository (soon to be synched 
with Maven Central)

I've also updated the welcome page on http://jbehave.org to reflect new release (with minor wording changes)

All website links seems to work for me.


ps. The javadoc is now transparently proxied through http://jbehave.org/javadoc, like the eclipse site.

For the future I would add the version to the javadoc.


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