Oh my god!..I'll give you example project to reproduce but it'll will take
some time,please have a patience till then.
I have imported source code for Jbehave web where I could easily see class
like WebdriverPage.class.This source code is available to all of us I
guess.Over there is one method as
public void get(String url)

Hope you can find the source code.I have used the same in my framework.Plus
on all githun examples I can't see the usage of Action class..Don't know


On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Mauro Talevi <mauro.tal...@aquilonia.org>wrote:

> Which get() method are you calling and where?  There is not get method in
> WebDriverPage.
> If you want us to help, you'll need to provide an example project
> reproducing  the issue.
> On 10 May 2013, at 10:13, Selenium Learner 2013 <777selen...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hello Mauro,
> yes, i have created an abstract class in the framework where I have
> created custom method like
> public void OpenURL(String URL)
> {
> get(URL);
> }
> Now , over here get method call will call method inside WebdriverPage
> class as my page
> is extending WebdriverPage class as I have defined Abstract class as
> public abstract class customAbstractPage extends WebdriverPage
> Now, this confirms according to me that, I am using get() to get Webdriver
> instance..
> Please confirm if there is any problem exist in Jbehave binding of
> webdriver
> On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 1:34 PM, Mauro Talevi 
> <mauro.tal...@aquilonia.org>wrote:
>> Look again:  you're trying to cast a WebDriverProvider to a WebDriver -
>> they are not the same thing.
>> To get a WebDriver instance you need to invoke the get() method on the
>> driverProvider.
>> On 10/05/2013 08:53, Selenium Learner 2013 wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there any Jbehave binding for Interface Action,Class
>>> Action(org.openqa.selenium.**interactions.Actions) of selenium
>>> webdriver?I want to use methods present inside those ones..
>>> I have code like this :
>>> public void mouseClickByLocator(By by)
>>> {
>>> try
>>> {
>>> WebElement webElement= findElement( by);
>>> Actions builder= new Actions((Webdriver) driverProvider);
>>> builder.moveToElement(**webElement).click(webElement).**perform();
>>> }
>>> catch(Exception e)
>>> {
>>> e.printStackTrace();
>>> }
>>> I am getting an exception as org.jbehave.web.selenium.**PropertyWebdriver
>>> cant be cast to org.openqa.selenium.Webdriver
>>> When I look WebDriverPage.class of jbehave web, I can't see any methods
>>> supporting Actions class or Interface..Is there any Bug present in Jbehave?
>>> I have recently started using Jbehave with Webdriver as I am in process
>>> of building framework..
>>> Regards,
>>> Selenium-777
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