
first of all thanks for the contribution of the prototype and the suggestion of the new feature.

Here are some initial comments:

- if I can resume your goal, it'd be to provide a context map - scoped at scenario or story level - via which to share objects in the implementations of the steps.

- as such it's not something that is necessarily tied to feature of Guice, although DI containers may support in different ways.

Now, taking a step back, would it be conceptually equivalent to defining a context map object (which different keys for different scopes) and simply declaring it and having it available in the DI containers?

In this case, it could be in principle supported entirely by the user configuration (albeit using some common context classes).

I'd like to understand better the use case that's driving this requirement.


On 31/05/2013 21:22, Sebastian Sickelmann wrote:

i created a prototype for two Guice-Injection-Scopes that are based on the JBehave Lifecycle.

If you are interested you can look at the commits at my github-repo (branch GuiceScenarioScope)

You can find examples here

and here


There are many ways how this can be implemented in JBehave and actually i choose to extend the StoryRunner. My actual goal is now to discuss with the jbehave community if jbehave should support such Scopes and if yes: How jbehave should support it in a way for the other injection implementations pico, spring, weld.

For a quick diff-view without fetching my repo see

Kind regards

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