Hi Sebastian,

the principle followed is that of loose coupling, as expressed by the Law of Demeter:


This means that if a class, e.g. MarkUnmatchedStepsAsPending, depends on two collaborators such as Keywords and StepFinder, it should depend on these, and only on these, not on the more generic Configuration.

To ensure the uniqueness of the instances we could have only one constructor, but this is sometimes impractical. There is a trade-off between loose coupling and potential duplicate instances of collaborators when using default constructors.

We can improve the default wiring up of the dependencies via the Configuration to avoid or minimise duplicate instances.


On 12/06/2013 21:10, Sebastian Sickelmann wrote:

is there any use case where it is usefull to have different keywords inside the CandidateSteps-Instances and the StepCollector MarkUnmatchedStepsAsPending.

If there is no use-case for this. Can we change the implementation of
MarkUnmatchedStepsAsPending as follows?


Also it seems that the keywords in MarkUnmatchedStepsAsPending are always a new Instance of LocalizedKeywords and not the configured one in the Configuration-Instance. I tried to change too. Maybe there are other Classes that should get the same refactoring with InitializableByConfiguration.

Kind regards

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