No, the issue JBEHAVE-755 address a different concern: that of retrying in the same execution run, not in a subsequent one, which is what you seem to be after (if I understood correctly).

If you want to use the RestartingScenarioFailure, then as already said you need to implement yourself the logic for when it's thrown, by catching a known exception:

@Given("user is on Home page")
    public void userIsOnHomePage() {
        try {
        } catch ( YourException e ) {
            throw new RestartingScenarioFailure(e);

Implementing the full retry logic is not trivial, as already said, and touches the internals of the runner. I don't think it's possible to implement with the current low-level 3.8 API.

If you have problems accessing JIRA, please raise an issue at

On 12/08/2013 15:28, Selenium Learner 2013 wrote:
Ok, I tried for some time after having off on Sunday and found that I can't log in to Jira for some strange reasons even though I have an account on Xircles .. Nevertheless , I found one jira which is being opened since last year( <> talks about retry logic , so can I put this comments in the same jira? pls advise.. IF we need to implement the retry logic in Jbehave, would that be API level change which has to be released properly? I have one solution as creating a flat file with failed scenarios and creating a story on the this possible with current Jbehave 3.8 stable release version? Pls advise.
Sorry for asking too many questions:(..
Also , I had mistake in the code snippet in my previous mail..the correct code snippet can be given as
@Given("user is on Home page")
    public void userIsOnHomePage() throws RestartingScenarioFailure


but this is not enabling to run the failed scenario re-run again? Any more coding I'm missing?Pls advise.

Awaiting the reply..

On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 10:50 PM, Mauro Talevi < <>> wrote:

    No, you don't duplicate the method.   You need to implement some
    logic in the same method to catch a known exception (based on the
    logic implemented in your pages) and rethrow a
    RestartingScenarioFailure, where appropriate.

    Implementing a retry logic is possible, but not trivial.   It
    involves persisting the results of the previous run which is not
    easy to do without taking into account the interaction with the
    embedding system.

    Feel free to raise a JIRA issue, it may get some ideas flowing.


    On 10/08/2013 16:29, Selenium Learner 2013 wrote:
    So if I have a step defined as for an example:
     @Given("user is on Home page")
        public void userIsOnHomePage(){

    and I want to run this step again if it fails while running it
    through Jenkins Job then do I need to include something like
     @Given("user is on Home page")
        public void userIsOnHomePage() Throwable
    RestartingScenarioFailure("Failed scenario")

    in the code so that it can re-run again? Pls advise.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.
    PS: I think if Jbehave can include retry logic feature then it
    would be great as we can do it in TestNG which takes automation
    framework to the next level..Do I need to raise Jira if you permit?

    On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 8:07 PM, Mauro Talevi
    < <>>

        No, there is no such feature currently.

        What is possible is to implement some logic in your step to
        verify failure/success according to your criteria and, if
        failed, you can throw a RestartingScenarioFailure exception
        which will tell the runner to restart the scenario, i.e.
        re-execute the scenario steps.

        On 09/08/2013 14:49, Selenium Learner 2013 wrote:

            Hi All,

            Is it possible in Jbehave to run failed scenarios once
            again after finishes jenkins job like kind of Retry
            logic? Please advise .If possible then any documentation
            available in Jbehave?


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