
As far as I know, for "object-oriented data" <-> "semantic data"
mapping, Tupelo 2 has done some similar work in 2009/2010. You can
have a look at [1] [2]

Best regards,
Ying Jiang

[1] http://tupeloproject.ncsa.uiuc.edu/node/67
[2] http://tupeloproject.ncsa.uiuc.edu/node/69

On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 8:37 PM, Timothy Armstrong <tjarm...@ncsu.edu> wrote:
> Hello Andy,
> Thank you so much for your response.  I would be very interested in making a
> new implementation of DatasetGraph, although I would have to learn about the
> issues involved in SPARQL query optimization, as I have not studied those
> issues.  I would also have to learn more about parallel programming.  Well,
> maybe it is late to be applying for GSoC.  I would just like to get involved
> in an open source Semantic Web project, in any case.
> Thank you also for the references to related work.  I shall have to look at
> them in more detail.  I also need to explore the connection with JSON-LD.
> I have had a really large vision about how we can enhance all our
> object-oriented technologies with the Semantic Web technologies. Running
> SPARQL on object-oriented data is part of it, and I have thought ARQ would
> be best for that purpose.  Another part is that we can enhance the
> object-oriented data model with many elements of the OWL data model,
> including much of the reasoning, anywhere the object-oriented data model is
> used.  The intention is to let people use the OWL data model in all the
> object-oriented programs they write, instead of just the object-oriented
> data model as it is.
> What I would really like, though, would be if we could get more data on the
> Semantic Web and make it larger, with all the object-oriented data in the
> world that people are willing to post.  I have thought what we really want
> to do is set up SPARQL endpoints on object databases.  Another source of
> object-oriented data in the world is object-relational mapping.  I'm not
> entirely sure, but I have thought it might also be possible to set up SPARQL
> endpoints on data sources of object-relational mapping, by treating the data
> as object-oriented data.
> I do have in mind how to implement at least large parts of the functionality
> of the Graph, Node, and Triple interfaces backed by object-oriented data,
> and I have a lot of code working toward that purpose in Java.  My
> understanding of ARQ is that it would be sufficient in order to run SPARQL
> SELECT, CONSTRUCT, and Update queries on object-oriented data if we would
> just implement the Model interface, or related interfaces, backed by
> object-oriented data.  Is that correct?
> As I have in mind, there would be one implementation of Model for each piece
> of object database software, or maybe for each piece of object-relational
> mapping software, although the implementations could have a lot of code in
> common.  There would also be a Model for an arbitrary Java Collection of
> Java objects that the user would supply.  Additionally, there would be a
> Model to use in Java programs that would consist of all the Java objects in
> memory that have not been garbage collected, which we could use to run
> SPARQL on all the objects in memory.   (I have means of accessing main
> memory in Java with AspectJ.)
> Well, as I say, maybe it is late to be applying for GSoC.  I have just been
> hoping that I can make a contribution to the Semantic Web with these ideas.
> I need to find a conference to which to submit my article.  Thank you very
> much again for your response.
> Tim Armstrong
> On 03/18/2014 09:49 AM, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> The idea of this project wasn't to implement the Model interface, it was
>> to implement the storage level DatasetGraph interface. Jena has an implement
>> for Model in memory (actually - for Graph : Model is a presentation of Graph
>> and Graph (and Node and Triple) are the key abstractions.
>> Aside from GSoC:
>> Your ideas for relating RDF access to object-oriented sounds interesting -
>> do you have a particular source of object-oriented data in mind?
>> I don't know of any closely related work which isn't to say there isn't
>> any.  Does the work on CumulusRDF, which stores RDF molecules (if I rmember
>> correctly) have any relevance?  Or Haystacks (MIT) which used adjacency
>> lists on nodes to store RDF which is a different style to the "traditional"
>> triple storage style.
>> I suspect the W3C "CSV on the Web" Working Group might be connected -
>> there, data is assumed into be in regular table structures which can be
>> viewed as a low level object oriented data format.
>>     Andy
>> On 18/03/14 01:27, Timothy Armstrong wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm interested in contributing to Jena in Google Summer of Code 2014.
>>> I'm a computer science Ph.D. student at North Carolina State
>>> University.  I have studied the Semantic Web very passionately, as I
>>> feel it is a wonderful vision.  I have taken a course in it, worked as a
>>> research assistant on the Protein Ontology project (
>>> http://pir.georgetown.edu/pro/pro.shtml ), and developed some open
>>> source software for it.  I have used Jena a lot.
>>> I have some ideas for JENA-624 (
>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JENA-624 ), although I am very
>>> interested in directions you see for it, and I would be glad to work on
>>> other issues.  There are a lot of ideas I have had for my Semantic Web
>>> software that are related to Jena.  I would be very glad to contribute
>>> to the Jena project in GSoC, but I would also be glad to contribute
>>> anything in my existing software that would be useful to Jena. Well, I
>>> realize that I am a bit late posting here for GSoC, and I am hurrying to
>>> get my software's web site and article in a presentable form.
>>> I came up with a very simple interpretation of object-oriented
>>> programming, similar to connections other people have made, that treats
>>> all object-oriented data as triples in RDF.  It means in part that we
>>> can run SPARQL queries on any object-oriented data.  I have thought it
>>> would be very good if we could use ARQ to run SPARQL on main memory in
>>> object-oriented programs and on object databases.  I found that we can
>>> post object-oriented data directly on the Semantic Web without having to
>>> write any sort of mapping like D2RQ: either by translating
>>> object-oriented data into an existing Semantic Web format, or by setting
>>> up SPARQL endpoints on object databases. Well, I am very interested if
>>> you are aware if any of this has been done before.
>>> Regarding JENA-624, I have in mind how to create implementations of the
>>> Jena Model interface (com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model) backed by Java
>>> data.  I have been thinking that it might help to run SPARQL on Java
>>> data with ARQ if we could implement Model backed by Java data. I am
>>> wondering if you think it would be applicable to JENA-624, or to any
>>> other issues, if we could create implementations of Model in this
>>> manner.  There could be both in-memory models with Java data, and disk
>>> models with object databases.
>>> So, I would be very glad to contribute.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Tim Armstrong

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