+1 Claude
I liked the idea of having some common testing code in one place, and I'm also 
leaning toward having it in base later.
      From: Claude Warren <cla...@xenei.com>
 To: dev@jena.apache.org 
 Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 12:44 AM
 Subject: Re: New module : jena-base
I see it as being very small but included in a lot of other test packages.
so for my mind it makes sense to put it into core or base.  I think I am
partial to base as the code should not be RDF specific but would include
code to make nodes and triples.  Given the nodes and triples creation I am
now thinking that core test is probably the best place for it.

I'm going to add a testing_framework package to the core test code.  We can
move later as we see fit.  I am also going to add a contract test for
graph.  I'll create a branch to do that on.


On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 1:17 PM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:

> Claude,
> That's an advanced question :-)
> How much base test helper code might there be?
> If very small -> put it in jena-core src/test in it's own package.
> If not very small, then it could even have it's own separate module, code
> in src/main (which answers the "who tests the testing code" question!)
> My intuitive reaction is that other modules will want to use the testing
> code via jena-core - e.g. TDB wants to test it's implementation of Graph -
> rather than the testign base code directly, but taht's just first reaction.
> What do you see the options as being?
>        Andy
> On 26/04/15 07:49, Claude Warren wrote:
>> So the base test helper code I was talking about yesterday -- do you see
>> this going into jena-base test branch?  If I understand what you are
>> suggesting, I think I do.
>> Claude
>> On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 10:32 PM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
>>  As part of rearranging the code, I'd like to propose we have module
>>> "jena-base"
>>> It would be non-RDF related code, seeded with what is currently
>>> org.apache.jena.atlas which is in jena-arq and is then used by TDB and
>>> SDB
>>> and others.  RIOT uses it so it is a prequiste for moving RIOT.
>>> Depends on:
>>>    jena-shaded-guava
>>> Is depended on by:
>>>    jena-core
>>> which can then use the cache code, based on guava via oaj.atlas.
>>> Now we have java8, it is quite possible that stuff in oaj.atlas can be
>>> slimmed down and also oaj.atlas renamed.
>>> "jena-commons" is also a possible name but in trying this out, I found
>>> some code using configuration settings, based on Context.  A JVM wide
>>> Context would be useful.  So its role is not just library code but also
>>> some small amount of state.
>>> And JenaException
>>> While in theory, it should be simple to migrate code, there are some
>>> dependencies out of atlas that have sneaked in.
>>> I would start by moving a package at a time, clean ones first.  This can
>>> happen incrementally.
>>>          Andy

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