+1 to ANY, because it offers the potential to actually remove lines from a 
patch. For example, removing a whole graph could shrink pretty rapidly. But 
just to be clear, ANY would seem to be illegal inside a reversible patch, right?

A. Soroka
The University of Virginia Library

> On Oct 14, 2016, at 5:34 AM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> The general goal of RDF Patch is to be "assembler" for changes, or "N-Triples 
> for changes" - and there is no pattern matching capability.
> In your example you'd have to know the old value:
> TB
> QD <http://rdf.ontology2.com/henson/aws/Server>
>   <http://rdf.ontology2.com/henson/aws/instanceType> "r3.xlarge" .
> QA <http://rdf.ontology2.com/henson/aws/Server>
>   <http://rdf.ontology2.com/henson/aws/instanceType> "r3.2xlarge" .
> TC
> (aside: I wonder if instead of the 3/4 rule for triples/quads, a marker for 
> the default graph is better so the tuple is always QD and 4 terms.
> QD _ <http://rdf.ontology2.com/henson/aws/Server>
>   <http://rdf.ontology2.com/henson/aws/instanceType> "r3.xlarge" .
> or have TD, TA
> )
> On 13/10/16 17:02, Paul Houle wrote:
>> There is another use case for an "RDF Patch" which applies to
>> hand-written models.  For instance I have a model which describes a job
>> that is run in AWS that looks like
>> @prefix : <http://rdf.ontology2.com/henson/aws/>
>> @prefix parameter: <http://rdf.ontology2.com/henson/aws/parameter/>
>> :Server
>>   :subnetId "subnet-e0ab0197";
>>   :baseImage "ami-ea602afd";
>>   :instanceType "r3.xlarge";
>>   :keyName "o2key";
>>   :keyFile "~/AMZN Keys/o2key.ppk" ;
>>   :securityGroupIds "sg-bca0b2d9" ;
>>   :todo "dbpedia-load" ;
>>   parameter:RDF_SOURCE "s3://abnes/dbpedia/2015-10-gz/" ;
>>   parameter:GRAPH_NAME "http://dbpedia.org/"; ;
>>   :imageCommand "/home/ubuntu/RDFeasy/bin/shred_evidence_and_halt";
>>   :iamProfile <arn:aws:iam::181667415011:instance-profile/Marcabian> ;
>>   :instanceName "Image Build Server";
>>   :qBase <https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/181667415011/> .
>> one thing you might want to do is modify it so it uses a different
>> :baseImage or a different :instanceType and a natural way to do that is
>> to say
>> 'remove :Server :instanceType ?x and insert :Server :instanceType
>> "r3.2xlarge"'
> SPARQL Update can provide the "pattern matching" (or some subset like 
> SparqlPatch [https://www.w3.org/2001/sw/wiki/SparqlPatch]):
> DELETE { :Server :instanceType ?x }
> INSERT { :Server :instanceType "r3.2xlarge" }
> WHERE  { :Server :instanceType ?x }
> or
> DELETE WHERE { :Server :instanceType ?x }
> ;
> INSERT DATA { :Server :instanceType "r3.2xlarge" }
> That said, the one useful additional to RDF Patch which is "pattern matching" 
> might be limited bulk delete.
> QD <http://example/graph/> <http://example/subject> ANY ANY .
> because listing all the triples to delete when they can be found from the 
> data anyway is a big space saving.
>       Andy
>> but better than that if you have a schema that says ":instanceType is a
>> single valued property" you can write another graph like
>> :Server
>>   :instanceType "r3.2xlarge" .
>> and merge it with the first graph to get the desired effect.
>> More generally this fits into the theme that "the structure of
>> commonsense knowledge is that there are rules,  then exceptions to the
>> rules,  then exceptions to the exceptions of the rules,  etc."
>> For instance I extracted a geospatial database out of Freebase that was
>> about 10 million facts and I found I had to add and remove about 10
>> facts on the route to a 99% success rate at a geospatial recognition
>> task.  A disciplined approach to "agreeing to disagree" goes a long way
>> to solve the problem that specific applications require us to split
>> hairs in different ways.

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