Xerces 2.12.0 is out (as of April 21) though it has not made it to Maven central.

One thing of interest (to me) is whether it has a bugfixed version of Duration. JENA-1402

I still think we should un-depend on Xerces.


On 28/04/18 20:38, Andy Seaborne wrote:

While the JDK does have a Xerces derived parser (it split off long before 2.11.0 and separately evolved), it is behind Java9 module "java.xml".

Jena uses Xerces 2.11.0 in two ways - for the datatypes (oaj.datatypes) and XML parsing (oaj.rdfxml.xmlinput - also known as ARP).  Both make internal use of Xerces.

The datatypes uses Xerces provide XSD datatypes including validation.

RDFXMLParser uses Xerces SAXParser and in a minor way some other stuff that isn't in java.xml.sax.

I've had a prototype-hack go at removing Xerces from Jena:


* One feature omitted: XSDDatatype.loadUserDefined.

These functions parse XSD scheme datatype definitions. The implementation calls into the internal XML parsing which would not be legal in Java9 modules if using the JDK built-in parser. It seems to need a fairly complete XML parser engine.

We should consider dropping this feature.

XML Parsing:

* Looses the check on whether InputStreamReader or FileReader have the right encoding for the XML document. It hooks into an interface call that does not seem to be available in a standard SAX parser. (Shouldn't be using Readers anyway!)


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