JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JENA-2165

On 19/09/2021 11:12, Andy Seaborne wrote:
Good answer!

I'll send a message to users@. We'll also get a signal from the lack of bundle in 4.2.0.

The other case is systems who are further behind on version. Probably they are less affected if we retire apache-jena-osgi because they can wait until the next release (if they help with getting OSGi working again) and then reinstate it.


On 18/09/2021 20:18, Aaron Coburn wrote:
That particular SO issue comes from the use of Jena in the Islandora
project. I reached out to some developers I know in that community to ask
about their plans for using Jena in an OSGi context. Apparently, they are
moving away from OSGi, likely in the direction of runnable jars. In fact,
the reaction I got from them when I described this situation wasn't "please
fix this in Jena" but rather "that's a good reason to prioritize moving
away from OSGi".


On Sat, 18 Sept 2021 at 14:13, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:

In the 4.2.0 release, the OSGi artifacts were pulled from the
convenience binaries because they didn't work properly.

Only Aaron's diligent testing caught this.

The new problem is with the new dependency - Titanium JSON-LD not being
OSGi compatible. There is a quick fix in the code making Titanium
optional for the OSGi bundle but that seems rather unsatisfactory and
blocks us switching to Titanium for JSON-LD reading by default.

Testing of OSGi within the build has skipped because it does not work
The tests setup fails for a single build from empty and the release, and
release checking, do exactly that. JENA-913.

To add to the OSGi situation, this appeared 2021-09-16 (the first
mention I know of of Jena+OSGi for a while.)


So some system is using Jena with OSGi - it is not clear whether it is
using our Jena OSGi binary or not.

What to do about it?

We don't have OSGi skills any more - there are many ways to deploy these
days and it seems OSGi isn't now important to anyone here.


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