This is causing me a few issues.


I've tried adding a test listener which detects the end of the test, the
problem is that I don't know when clean-up has completed and things like the
reporting listener have completed their job(s).


I am currently doing the following:


1.       Wait for a test end to be reported to the test listener.

2.       Wait for a period of jmeter.exit.check.pause + 5000ms (The pause
hard coded in Jmeter for listener cleanup) + 500ms (extra pause to provide
an error margin).


Unfortunately I still seem to be continuing before the .jtl files have
finished being written intermittently.


I could scan the JMeter log file and wait until it reports the end of the
test, but this is really not a very nice solution IMHO.  Is anything
triggered after JMeter has completed clean up and written the .jtl logs that
I can hook a listener into that I have missed?

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