>>> Lack of official feature (JMeter plugin, Maven plugin, etc.)
>> non official maven plugin exists and works rather nicely.
>> What do you mean by JMeter plugin ?
> In general I have very bad experience with:
> third party plugin (not well integrate, not well tested, not up to date
> with the latest release, etc.)
> Plugin maintained by only one person (less motivation by the developer,
> etc.)

Bug fixes for the maven plugin are happily accepted.  Also please add issues 
for things that are:
Not well integrated
Not well tested
Not up to date
So that we can fix them 

In regards to it being up to date:
The plugin didn’t support JMeter 2.12 Because there were transitive dependency 
issues with the 2.12 maven release.
There were also transitive dependency issues with the JMeter 2.13 release that 
we tried to work around.  Version 1.10.1 of the plugin does use JMeter 2.13.
Is there something else we have missed which makes you say it’s not up to date 
(Feedback is the only way we can make it better)?

We are planning a version 2.0.0 of the plugin to coincide with a 3.0 JMeter 
release.  The 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT is available in the Sonatype snapshots repository 
if you want to try it out and provide some feedback so that we can make it 
better that would be really useful.

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