Philippe>Do you think that providing a stable name for latest version of
Philippe>(without version suffix) would be useful ?

Can you please clarify?
Do you mean something like https://host/path/ ?

It would hurt reproducibility. The issue would be like "it worked
yesterday, but it fails in another machine today".
We should refrain from advising the users to use "the latest version"
unless we are sure it works in 99.42%.

If we could make "daily/weekly releases" (see ),
then we could consider making "the latest the default".
For instance, no-one cares what is FireFox / Chrome version because it
updates constantly, and the update brings little risks.
On the other hand, JMeter releases are not frequent, and they might break
something, so we should not suggest users to blindly update to the latest.


What is the exact scenario you are trying to cover?

Do you mean "GitHub Action for running the latest JMeter"?
In that case, "the latest release" is not enough.
It would be great to have the following as well: "latest nightly", "latest
rc", "latest release" (see


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