On 2022/07/29 6:01, Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez wrote:
Hi Murray,

ahh ok, now I see, so I guess we could start by making the reference
manager pluggable through a wiki property, so anyone wishing to use it can
do so easily.

Hi Juan Pablo,

The one pseudo-proposal I'm considering adding to the syntax would be to
support normal intra-wiki links, but also optionally permit a second
vertical bar character '|' to create a triple/tuple, e.g.:


so that one could type a link to a page using another page. E.g.,


I did something similar back around 2005 with a wiki plugin that did
exactly this, but with this proposal it'd be integrated as link syntax
rather than as a plugin.

This allows you to make a relationship between two pages (or a page and an
external URL) that is typed by another page. That predicate page could in
theory (in my system it always is) part of a predicate hierarchy. But I
won't lead the team down that ontological rabbit hole. But for a teaser,
one could create the predicates for first order predicate logic and begin
to make statements between wiki pages (as "Terms) that describe what they
mean. [This was part of the core of my unfinished Ph.D. work at that time.]

So taking Cyc's definition of its 'genls' (inheritance) predicate:

  (isa genls TransitiveBinaryPredicate)
  (isa genls ReflexiveBinaryPredicate)
  (arg1Isa genls Collection)
  (arg2Isa genls Collection)
  (arg1Genl genls Thing)
  (arg2Genl genls Thing)

one could express that as wiki pages with only minor syntactical changes:


But like I said, I won't go any further down that rabbit hole.

Setting aside when to switch to JDK-11 (or whatever version we see fit),
the graphmanager could be compiled with Java 11, having the rest of the
project compiling with Java 8. The markdown module has been in a similar
situation in the past, where it has been compiling with Java 8, and the
rest of the project with Java 6 or 7, so that shouldn't be a stopper..

As for the number of pages, jspwiki-wiki has almost 400 pages, but there
are other wikis out there with higher number of pages; f.ex.,
https://encyclopaedia-wot.org has almost 4000 pages,
https://www.ecyrd.com/ButtUgly/wiki has around 3200 and http://ldapwiki.com/
almost 16400

That probably shouldn't be an issue. I've got a test corpus of around 1200
files that I could copy a few times to do a test at the 16K level and find
out how long things take to process. I would be interested in knowing if
there are any stats for that 16400 page wiki I could compare with...  The
ingest/accession (import/process metadata) on 1200 files with my digital
library software is about 40 seconds, but that's also moving and writing
files and creating an archive file for each. I might try to create a
benchmark unit test to see how performance rates just for the reference

I'd still rather avoid Java serialisation/deserialisation if it turns out
the difference between that and simply reading the source files isn't that
huge. A lot cleaner design for sure. With high-frequence and multi-core
CPUs, VMs and SSDs a lot of things that used to take a lot of time simply
don't. I bought a 12 core, 24 thread i9 recently and my compile times
(when coupled with command line optimisations) went from 90-120 seconds
down to 15. For something like the reference manager where it's all reads
and no writes (if we avoid serialisation on shutdown), then I think the
performance even on 16K files should be reasonable. Interesting to test in
any case.

My time comes in spurts so I'm not sure how long this will take. I've
currently got the bones of it, the easy bits, the rest is coming along...



Murray Altheim <murray18 at altheim dot com>                       = =  ===
http://www.altheim.com/murray/                                     ===  ===
                                                                   = =  ===
    In the evening
    The rice leaves in the garden
    Rustle in the autumn wind
    That blows through my reed hut.
           -- Minamoto no Tsunenobu

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