Fiddling with my Python client on 0.8, noticed something has changed with offsets.

It seems that instead of a byte offset in the log file, the offset is now a logical one. I had a few questions about this:

1) How is the byte offset determined by the broker? Since messages are not fixed width, does it use an index or do a simple binary search? 2) Regarding compressed MessageSets, how are the offsets incremented? Suppose I have the following MessageSet

MessageSet A
 - Message A1, normal message
 - Message A2, normal message
 - Message A3, compressed MessageSet B
 - MessageSet B
    - Message B1
    - Message B2

Assuming we start from 0, message A1 gets offset of 0, A2 of 1. Now I am unclear how the numbering goes. Would A3 get offset 3, and B1 -> 4 B2 -> 5? Or are the offsets inside a compressed MessageSet not used?

Is it possible to request a message inside a compressed message set?

Also what about nested compression sets, what if Message B3 is itself a compressed MessageSet (not that it makes sense, just curious what would happen).


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