
I stumbled across a recent issue about Kafka crashing on Windows the other
day, which keeps coming up on jira.
So I went and had a look and found 16 unresolved tickets about this - some
of them definitely are duplicates, some of them might be a variation.

KAKFA-1194 - The kafka broker cannot delete the old log files after the
configured time
KAKFA-2170 - 10 LogTest cases failed for file.renameTo failed under windows
KAKFA-5377 - Kafka server process crashing due to access violation (caused
by log cleaner)
KAKFA-6059 - Kafka cant delete old log files on windows
KAKFA-6200 - 00000000000000000015.timeindex: The process cannot access the
file because it is being used by another process.
KAKFA-6203 - Kafka crash when deleting a topic
KAKFA-6406 - Topic deletion fails and kafka shuts down (on windows only)
KAKFA-6689 - Kafka not release .deleted file.
KAKFA-6983 - Error while deleting segments - The process cannot access the
file because it is being used by another process
KAKFA-7020 - Error when deleting topic with access denied exception
KAKFA-7086 - Kafka server process dies after try deleting old log files
under Windows 10
KAKFA-7575 - Error while writing to checkpoint file' Issue
KAKFA-8097 - Kafka broker crashes with java.nio.file.FileSystemException
KAKFA-8145 - Broker fails with FATAL Shutdown on Windows, log or index
renaming fail
KAKFA-8811 - Can not delete topics in Windows OS
KAKFA-9458 - Kafka crashed in windows environment

KAKFA-1194 to me seems to have seen the most activity and been there first,
so I'd propose to track this all work related to file deletion and renames
on Windows under this ticket. Objections?

Also, is anybody aware of any activity around this still going on? Reading
through the comments for a little while it looked like a fix was close, but
the most current state on this I could find was a comment from Colin [1]
saying that the proposed fix fell short of a proper solution and that we'd
need to have a Windows specific implementation of the Log class. But I was
unable to find anybody picking up this piece of work..



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