Hi Boyang,

Thanks for the KIP!  I think it's getting close.

 > For older requests that need redirection, forwarding 
 > broker will just use its own authorizer to verify the principals. When the 
 > request looks good, it will just forward the request with its own 
 > credentials, no second validation needed

Just to be clear, the controller will still validate the request, right?  But 
at that point the principal will be the broker principal.  It would be good to 
note that here.

> Internal CreateTopicsRequest Routing 

The forwarding broker is sending the request as the latest version, right?  It 
would be good to add a note of this.  This also prevents routing loops since 
the latest version is not forwardable (another good thing to add, I think...)

 > As we discussed in the request routing section, to work with an older 
 > client, the first contacted broker need to act as a proxy to redirect the 
 > write request to the controller. To support the proxy of requests, we need 
 > to build a channel for brokers to talk directly to the controller. This 
 > part of the design is internal change only and won’t block the KIP 
 > progress.

I think it's good to note that we eventually want a separate controller 
endpoint in KIP-500.  However, we don't need it to implement KIP-590, right?  
The other brokers could forward to the existing internal endpoint for the 
controller.  So maybe it's best to discuss the separate endpoint in "future 
work" rather than here.

> =============== Start Old Proposal  ===============

I'm glad the old proposal shows up here, but I think this is too much detail.  
It would be better to just have a one or two paragraph summary of the main 
points.  As it is, the old proposal takes up 40% of the doc which is pretty 
confusing for someone reading through.  Let's also not forget that someone can 
just read the old version by using the "page history" function on the wiki.  So 
there's no need to keep that all here.


On Mon, Jun 8, 2020, at 13:56, Boyang Chen wrote:
> Hey all,
> I would like to start the vote for KIP-590:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-590%3A+Redirect+Zookeeper+Mutation+Protocols+to+The+Controller
> Thanks!

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