The ides is "sum value by key" in this example, what is maybe not the
perfect example.

However, if you have a KTable, you can do a
`groupBy(...).aggregate(...)` and the same update logic applies:

k1 : a,1
k2 : a,2
k3 : b,3
k4 : b,4

If you groupBy the first attribute in the value and sum, you get the
result table:

a : 3
b : 7

Now, if k1 is updated to for example "b,5", the old "a,1" is
removed/subtracted from the result table and the new "b,5" is added to
the result table giving you

a : 2
b : 12

(If you apply the same example and let groupBy return the original key,
you get what the docs describe; the example is not ideal but correct.)


On 7/22/20 8:22 AM, Nag Y wrote:
> I understood A KStream is an abstraction of a record stream and A KTable is
> an abstraction of a changelog stream ( updates or inserts) and the
> semantics around it.
> However, this is where some confusion arises .. From confluent documentation
> <>
> To illustrate, let’s imagine the following two data records are being sent
> to the stream:
> ("alice", 1) --> ("alice", 3)
> *If your stream processing application were to sum the values per user*, it
> would return 3 for alice. Why? Because the second data record would be
> considered an update of the previous record. Compare this behavior of
> KTable with the illustration for KStream above, which would return 4 for
> alice.
> Coming to the highlighted area , *if we were to sum the values* , it should
> be 4 . right ? However, *if we were to look at the "updated" view of the
> logs* , yes , it is 3 as KTable maintains either updates or inserts . Did I
> get it right ?

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