Thanks for this KIP Tom,

Just to clarify the impact: In your KIP you described a
situation in which the root logger is configured at INFO, an
"" is configured at TRACE, and then ""
is resolved to INFO.

Assuming this goes into 3.0, would it be the case that if I
had the above configuration, after upgrade, ""
would just switch from INFO to TRACE on its own? 

It seems like it must, since it's not configured explicitly,
and we are changing the inheritance rule from "inherit
directly from root" to "inherit from the closest configured
ancestor in the hierarchy".

Am I thinking about this right?


On Wed, 2020-10-07 at 15:42 +0100, Tom Bentley wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to start discussion on a small KIP which seeks to rectify an
> inconsistency between how Kafka reports logger levels and how logger
> configuration is inherited hierarchically in log4j.
> <>
> If you have a few minutes to have a look I'd be grateful for any feedback.
> Many thanks,
> Tom

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