Hi Evelyn,

Thanks for taking a look at improving the sticky partitioner! These edge
cases seem like they would cause quite a bit a trouble.
I think the idea to check for max.in.flight.requests.per.connection is a
good one, but one concern I have is how this information will be available
to the partitioner.


On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 7:10 AM Eevee <evelynroseba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've noticed a couple edge cases in the Sticky Partitioner and I'd like
> to discuss introducing a new KIP to fix it.
> Behavior
> 1. Low throughput producers
> The first edge case occurs when a broker becomes temporarily unavailable
> for a period less then replica.lag.time.max.ms. If you have a low
> throughput producer generating records without a key and using a small
> value of linger.ms you will quickly hit the
> max.in.flight.requests.per.connection limit for that broker or another
> broker which depends on the unavailable broker to achieve acks=all.
> At this point, all records will be redirected to whichever broker hits
> max.in.flight.requests.per.connection first and if the producer has low
> enough throughput compared to batch.size this will result in no records
> being sent to any broker until the failing broker becomes available
> again. Effectively this transforms a short broker failure into a cluster
> failure. Ideally, we'd rather see all records redirected away from these
> brokers rather then too them. 2. Overwhelmed brokers The second edge
> case occurs when an individual broker begins under performing and cannot
> keep up with the producers. Once the broker hits
> max.in.flight.requests.per.connection the producer will begin to
> redirecting all records without keys to the broker. This results in a
> disproportionate percentage of the cluster load going to the failing
> broker and begins a death spiral in which the broker becomes more and
> more overwhelmed resulting in the producers redirecting more and more of
> the clusters load towards it.Proposed Changes We need a solution which
> fixes the interaction between the back pressure mechanism
> max.in.flight.requests.per.connection and the sticky partitioner.
> My current thought is we should remove partitions associated with
> brokers which have hit max.in.flight.requests.per.connection from the
> available choices for the sticky partitioners. Once they are below
> max.in.flight.requests.per.connection they'd then be added back into the
> available partition list.
> My one concern is that this could cause further edge case behavior for
> producers with small values of linger.ms. In particular I could see a
> scenario in which the producer hits
> max.in.flight.requests.per.connection for all brokers and then blocks on
> send() until a request returns rather then building up a new batch. It's
> possible (I'd need to investigate the send loop further) the producer
> could create a new batch as soon as a request arrives, add a single
> record to it and immediately send it then block on send() again. This
> would result in the producer doing near to no batching and limiting it's
> throughput drastically.
> If this is the case, I figure we can allow the sticky partitioner to use
> all partitions if all brokers are at
> max.in.flight.requests.per.connection. In such a case it would add
> records to a single partition until a request completed or it hit
> batch.size and then picked a new partition at random.
> Feedback
> Before writing a KIP I'd love to hear peoples feedback, alternatives and
> concerns.
> Regards,
> Evelyn.

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