Thanks Ismael,

just to clarify, any app that is running and is regularly upgraded is
not affected: As pointed out in the KIP, if there is a running app that
does not overwrite the default, and the app is upgraded, it won't be
affected because the repartition/changelog topics already exist.

Second, as the default value is currently 1, for production application
I would assume that most people change the default anyway and thus won't
be affected either. Thus, if one deploys a new production app, or resets
a production app with reasonable config overwrites, they won't be affected.

Hence, the impact on production deployment should basically be
non-existent, and for those rare cases were user would be affected it
should be just a small hick-up because they would either deploy a new
application (maybe annoying but no harm done; and actually, they should
detect in staging) or would have reset an existing app for data
reprocessing, ie, they did some manual cleanup and might hit this corner
case only when re-deploying an previously stopped app, ie, an app that
is currently offline anyway. Again, no harm done, just some delay to
redeploy the app.

Also, we point the change out in the upgrade notes. Obviously, not
everybody might read them, but in the end there are multiple guards and
if a user really has issues, it sounds like a very rare corner case.

Last, while it might be possible to do so, the question is really, which
value should we pick?

Thus, overall I personally don't see any need to cover this case
automatically. It might not be too hard to write code and handle this
case, but I would rather keep it simple as it should really not impact
users in any critical way.



On 4/18/21 8:00 PM, Ismael Juma wrote:
> Is the following accurate? Do we have data that not many users would be
> affected?
> "We also believe that 2.3.0 broker a sufficiently old such that not too
> many user may be affected"
> I wonder if we should fallback to an actual value if the brokers are 2.3.x
> or older.
> Ismael

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