Hi Kafka Dev Teeam,

I would like to request following features in Kafka Async Producers:

1) Ability to Inject the implementation of the Blocking  Queue  similar to
serialize and partition class etc…

I would like to inject following LIB for queue implementation.  Of course
wrapper upon Queue interface..

eg  http://lmax-exchange.github.io/disruptor/

2) Can we have configuration to send the data in Parallel to Brokers using
Pool Executor Service …etc or ability to inject Default Handlers in here
which will run on back ground threads


eg:  Our event contains a timestamp so it is ok to have data out of order
into partition due to parallel write to Brokers per partition...

We are looking to dump the messages parallel not build up queue while it
data is being send to brokers and the send thread will take time to
complete entire batch if we have round robin on Partitions ( eg message
count % number Of partitions).

Please let me know if there is any alternative..


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