Hi Nick,

Thanks for the updates!

The motivation section and the description of the new config is much clearer and informative now!

You missed one "delete.interval.ms" in the last paragraph in section "Proposed Changes".

I am afraid, I again need to comment on point 7. IMO, it does not make sense to be able to tune repartition.purge.interval.ms and commit.interval.ms separately when the purge can only happen during a commit. For example, if I set commit.interval.ms to 30000 ms and repartition.purge.interval.ms to 35000 ms, the records will be purged at every second commit, i.e., every 60000 ms. What benefit do users have to set repartition.purge.interval.ms separately from commit.interval.ms? The rate of purging will never be 1 / 35000, the rate will be 1 / 2*commit.interval.ms..

Additionally, I have a new point.
8. If user code has access to the processor context (e.g. in the processor API), a commit can also be requested on demand by user code. The KIP should clarify if purges might also happen during requested commits or if purges only happen during automatic commits.


On 21.12.21 20:40, Nick Telford wrote:
Hi everyone,

Thanks for your feedback. I've made the suggested changes to the KIP (1, 2,
3 and 5).

For the new name, I've chosen repartition.purge.interval.ms, as I felt it
struck a good balance between being self-descriptive and concise. Please
let me know if you'd prefer something else.

On point 6: My PR has basic validation to ensure the value is positive, but
I don't think it's necessary to have dynamic validation, to ensure it's not
less than commit.interval.ms. The reason is that it will be implicitly
limited to that value anyway, and won't break anything. But I can add it if
you'd prefer it.

On point 7: I worry that defaulting it to follow the value of
commit.interval.ms may confuse users, who will likely expect the default to
not be affected by changes to other configuration options. I can see the
appeal of retaining the existing behaviour (following the commit interval)
by default, but I believe that the majority of users who customize
commit.interval.ms do not desire a different frequency of repartition
record purging as well.

As for multiples of commit interval: I think the argument against that is
that an interval is more intuitive when given as a time, rather than as a
multiple of some other operation. Users configuring this should not need to
break out a calculator to work out how frequently the records are going to
be purged!

I've also updated the PR with the relevant changes.

BTW, for some reason I didn't receive Sophie's email. I'll periodically
check the thread on the archive to ensure I don't miss any more of your



On Tue, 21 Dec 2021 at 12:34, Luke Chen <show...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks, Bruno.

I agree my point 4 is more like PR discussion, not KIP discussion.
@Nick , please update my point 4 in PR directly.

Thank you.

On Tue, Dec 21, 2021 at 7:24 PM Bruno Cadonna <cado...@apache.org> wrote:

Hi Nick,

Thank you for the KIP!

I agree on points 1, 2, and 3. I am not sure about point 4. I agree that
we should update the docs for commit.interval.ms but I am not sure if
this needs to mentioned in the KIP. That seems to me more a PR
discussion. Also on point 2, I agree that we need to add a doc string
but the content should be exemplary not binding. What I want to say is
that, we do not need a KIP to change docs.

Here my points:

5. Could you specify in the motivation that the KIP is about deleting
records from repartition topics? Maybe with a short description when why
and when records are deleted from the repartition topics. For us it
might be clear, but IMO we should try to write KIPs so that someone that
is relatively new to Kafka Streams can understand the KIP without
needing to know too much background.

6. Does the config need to be validated? For example, does
delete.interval.ms need to be greater than or equal to

7. Should the default value for non-EOS be 30s or the same value as
commit.interval.ms? I am just thinking about the case where a user
explicitly changes commit.interval.ms but not delete.interval.ms (or
whatever name you come up for it). Once delete.interval.ms is set
explicitly it is decoupled from commit.interval.ms. Similar could be
done for the EOS case.
Alternatively, we could also define delete.interval.ms to take a
integral number without a unit that specifies after how many commit
intervals the records in repartition topics should be deleted. This
would make sense since delete.interval.ms is tightly bound to
commit.interval.ms. Additionally, it would make the semantics of the
config simpler. The name of the config should definitely change if we go
down this way.


On 21.12.21 11:14, Luke Chen wrote:
Hi Nick,

Thanks for the KIP!

In addition to Sophie's comments, I have one more to this KIP:
3. I think you should mention the behavior change *explicitly* in
"Compatibility" section. I know you already mentioned it in KIP, in the
benefit way. But I think in this section, we should clearly point out
behavior will be change after this KIP. That is, you should put it
that the delete record interval will change from 100ms to 30s with EOS
enabled. And it should also be mentioned in doc/upgrade.html doc.
4. Since this new config has some relationship with commit.interval.ms
think we should also update the doc description for `
to let user know there's another config to control delete interval and
should be greater than commit.interval.ms. Something like that. WDYT?
should put this change in the KIP as Sophie mentioned)

Thank you.

On Tue, Dec 21, 2021 at 9:27 AM Sophie Blee-Goldman
<sop...@confluent.io.invalid> wrote:

Hey Nick,

I think you forgot to link to the KIP document, but I take it this is
it: KIP-811:
Add separate delete.interval.ms to Kafka Streams

The overall proposal sounds good to me, just a few minor things:

     1. Please specify everything needed to define this config
explicitly, ie
     all the arguments that will be passed in to the
     StreamsConfig's ConfigDef: in addition to the default value, we
need the
     config type (presumably a Long), the doc
     string, and the importance (probably "low", similar to
     2. Might be worth considering a slightly more descriptive name for
     config. Most users probably don't think about,
     or may not even be aware of, the deletion of consumed records by
     Streams, so calling it something along
     the lines of "repartition.records.delete.interval.ms" or "
     consumed.records.deletion.interval.ms" or so on will help
     make it clear what the config refers to and whether or not they
need to
     care. Maybe you can come up with better
     and/or shorter names, just wanted to suggest some example names
that I
     think sufficiently get the point across

Other than that I'm +1 -- thanks for the KIP!


On Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 9:15 AM Nick Telford <nick.telf...@gmail.com>

This is a KIP for a proposed solution to KAFKA-13549
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-13549>. The solution is
simple, so the KIP is pretty short.

The suggested changes are implemented by this PR
Nick Telford

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