Hi Kafkateers,

Last week we reached feature freeze for the next major release of Apache Kafka.

I cut the release branch for 3.2 and bumped trunk to 3.3.0-SNAPSHOT. From this point, commits that should go into 3.2.0 should be merged into trunk and cherry-picked to 3.2.

I removed the KIPs for which I think the main PRs were not merged from the release plan for AK 3.2.0. Please, verify the plan and let me know if I removed a KIP that should not have been removed.

Until code freeze on 30 March, please help with fixing flaky tests, finding bugs, testing, and updating documentation.

You can find the list of open issues for 3.2.0 under the following link:



On 15.03.22 15:11, Bruno Cadonna wrote:
Hi all,

A quick reminder that feature freeze for Apache 3.2.0 is tomorrow. Please make sure to get your features merged into trunk.

I will cut the release branch on Monday.


On 07.03.22 15:03, Bruno Cadonna wrote:
Hi Kafkateers,

Last week we reached KIP freeze for the next major release 3.2.0 of Apache Kafka.

I have updated the release plan for AK 3.2.0 with all the KIPs that passed the vote last week.

Please, verify the plan and let me know if any KIP should be added
to or removed from the release plan.

For the KIPs which are still in progress, please work closely with your
reviewers to make sure that they land on time for the feature freeze.

The next milestone for the AK 3.2.0 release is feature freeze on March 16th 2022.


On 01.03.22 17:41, Bruno Cadonna wrote:
Hi all,

A quick reminder that KIP freeze for the Apache 3.2.0 is tomorrow. Please make sure to close your votes if you want to add a KIP to the release plan.


On 15.02.22 12:37, Bruno Cadonna wrote:
Hi all,

I published a release plan for the Apache Kafka 3.2.0 release here:

KIP Freeze:     2 March 2022
Feature Freeze: 16 March 2022
Code Freeze:    30 March 2022

At least two weeks of stabilization will follow Code Freeze.

Please let me know if should add or remove KIPs from the plan or if you have any other objections.


On 04.02.22 16:03, Bruno Cadonna wrote:

I'd like to volunteer to be the release manager for our next
feature release, 3.2.0. If there are no objections, I'll send
out the release plan soon.


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