Hello! I am new to Kafka, and I have a question that I couldnt find the

I've deployed just one kafka broker using the bitnami helm package in a
Kubernetes cluster.
For now, I only have 1 topic with 12 partitions and almost no usage, but
despite that, monitoring memory usage, I see that is constantly growing.
[image: image.png]
Is it possible that there is some memory leak that I am not aware of?

Just in case, here are the settings of the topic.

Default Value
compression.type producer
min.insync.replicas 1
message.downconversion.enable true
segment.jitter.ms 0
cleanup.policy delete
flush.ms 1000
segment.bytes 1073741824
retention.ms 604800000
flush.messages 10000
message.format.version 3.0-IV1
max.compaction.lag.ms 9223372036854775807
file.delete.delay.ms 60000
max.message.bytes 1000012
min.compaction.lag.ms 0
message.timestamp.type CreateTime
preallocate false
index.interval.bytes 4096
min.cleanable.dirty.ratio 0.5
unclean.leader.election.enable false
retention.bytes 1073741824
delete.retention.ms 86400000
segment.ms 604800000
message.timestamp.difference.max.ms 9223372036854775807

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