Hi all,

I have written a new small KIPto add the traffic metric of the partition 
dimension. The motivation is:

Currently, there are two metrics for measuring the traffic in topic dimensions: 
MessagesInPerSec, BytesInPerSec, but there are two problems:
1. It is difficult to intuitively reflect the problem of topic partition 
traffic inclination through these indicators, and it is impossible to clearly 
see which partition has the largest traffic and the traffic situation of each 
partition. But the partition dimension can solve this.
2. For the sudden increase in topic traffic (for example, this will lead some 
followers to out of Isr, which can be avoided by appropriately increasing the 
number of partitions.), the metrics of the partition dimension can help to 
provide guidance on whether to expand the partition.

On the whole, I think it is very meaningful to add traffic metrics of partition 
dimension, especially the issue of traffic skew.

Please take a look here in deatil: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/LQs0Dw



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