Hey all,

I have heard some offline discussion around Cross-Cluster Replication,
a feature which would enable data to be shared between Kafka clusters
in a manner which preserves offsets.
Other names for this feature may include "Cluster Linking", "Remote
Topics", "Byte-for-Byte Mirroring", and similar.
I believe that there may be an interest in this feature being added to
Apache Kafka, but have not seen any mailing list activity to that
effect yet.

Due to the complexity of the feature, I think it is appropriate to
gauge the interest in the feature before opening a KIP, and also
gather a set of contributors which are interested in collaborating on
and sponsoring its development.

If you are a Kafka user, please:
1. Let us know in this thread if you think Cross-Cluster Replication
is a valuable feature and would like to see it in Apache Kafka.

If you are or want to be an individual contributor, please:
1. Discuss with your users and/or product organization if
Cross-Cluster Replication is appealing, and summarize their level of
interest in the below thread.
2. Consider volunteering in this thread as a reviewer or co-author of
the KIP and subsequent implementation. Co-authors would share the
design and implementation workload as their time and interest permits.
3. If you have an employer, request that they sponsor this feature
through your full- or part-time contributions as a reviewer or
co-author. In exchange for their sponsorship, they can help ensure
that the feature is delivered with a more predictable timeline.

Please save your technical expectations and details of this feature
for a subsequent KIP and DISCUSS thread, where that discussion is more

Thanks Everyone!

Greg Harris
Aiven, Inc

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