Hi Aaron,

This is the expected behavior of KIP-710. The relevant section reproduced

> Enabling a single Connect REST server in the MirrorMaker 2.0 node, only
supporting the internal Connect endpoints.

The endpoints that are typically exposed in a distributed Connect for
creating connectors, getting status, etc are not enabled in dedicated mode,
even with the new configuration. Only the internal endpoints that workers
use to communicate with one another are enabled.

If you want the other endpoints for getting the status, reconfiguring
connectors, etc, I would recommend switching to the connect distributed
mode and creating the MM2 connectors via the REST API.

Hope this helps!

On Sun, Feb 18, 2024 at 2:00 AM aaron ai <aaro...@apache.org> wrote:

> Kafka Development Team:
> I have enabled the internal REST API for the dedicated mode by setting
> *dedicated.mode.enable.internal.rest* to true in my MM2 configuration
> since KIP-710: Full support for distributed mode in dedicated MirrorMaker
> 2.0 clusters
> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-710%3A+Full+support+for+distributed+mode+in+dedicated+MirrorMaker+2.0+clusters>.
> However, when I attempt to make requests to the REST API on localhost:8083,
> I consistently receive a 404 Not Found error. This behavior has left me
> uncertain whether I'm facing a configuration issue or if this might be
> indicative of a bug within the system.
> BTW, I found a similar question on Stack Overflow
> <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76780739/distributed-mode-in-dedicated-mirrormaker-2-cluster-not-balancing-tasks-evenly#:~:text=If%20I%20try%20running%20curl%20targeting%20the%20leaderUrl%20above%20(on%20the%20root%20or%20at%20/connectors)%20from%20any%20node%2C%20using%20the%20advertised%20IP%20(or%20localhost%20in%20the%20leader)%20I%20end%20up%20with%20%7B%22error_code%22%3A404%2C%22message%22%3A%22HTTP%20404%20Not%20Found%22%7D>.
> My Kafka Version: 3.6.0
> Here is my configuration:
> clusters = A, B
> A.bootstrap.servers =
> B.bootstrap.servers =
> A->B.enabled = true
> A->B.topics = .*
> groups=.*
> groups.exclude = test-.*
> replication.factor=1
> checkpoints.topic.replication.factor=1
> heartbeats.topic.replication.factor=1
> offset-syncs.topic.replication.factor=1
> offset.storage.replication.factor=1
> status.storage.replication.factor=1
> config.storage.replication.factor=1
> sync.topic.acls.enabled = true
> emit.heartbeats.interval.seconds = 5
> sync.group.offsets.enabled=true
> sync.topic.configs.enabled=true
> dedicated.mode.enable.internal.rest=true
> and the HTTP response.
> [image: image.png]
> [image: image.png]
> I eagerly await your response and appreciate any feedback you might have
> on this matter.

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