Andrew, thanks for the KIP! This is a pretty exciting effort.

I've finally made it through the KIP, still trying to grok the whole thing.
Sorry if some of my questions are basic :)


70. Does the Group Coordinator communicate with the Share Coordinator over
RPC or directly in-process?

71. For preventing name collisions with regular consumer groups, could we
define a reserved share group prefix? E.g., the operator defines "sg_" as a
prefix for share groups only, and if a regular consumer group tries to use
that name it fails.

72. When a consumer tries to use a share group, or a share consumer tries
to use a regular group, would INVALID_GROUP_ID make more sense


Share Group Membership:

73. What goes in the Metadata field for TargetAssignment#Member and

74. Under Trigger a rebalance, it says we rebalance when the partition
metadata changes. Would this be for any change, or just certain ones? For
example, if a follower drops out of the ISR and comes back, we probably
don't need to rebalance.

75. "For a share group, the group coordinator does *not* persist the
assignment" Can you explain why this is not needed?

76. " If the consumer just failed to heartbeat due to a temporary pause, it
could in theory continue to fetch and acknowledge records. When it finally
sends a heartbeat and realises it’s been kicked out of the group, it should
stop fetching records because its assignment has been revoked, and rejoin
the group."

A consumer with a long pause might still deliver some buffered records, but
if the share group coordinator has expired its session, it wouldn't accept
acknowledgments for that share consumer. In such a case, is any kind of
error raised to the application like "hey, I know we gave you these
records, but really we shouldn't have" ?


Record Delivery and acknowledgement

77. If we guarantee that a ShareCheckpoint is written at least every so
often, could we add a new log compactor that avoids compacting ShareDelta-s
that are still "active" (i.e., not yet superceded by a new
ShareCheckpoint). Mechnically, this could be done by keeping the LSO no
greater than the oldest "active" ShareCheckpoint. This might let us remove
the DeltaIndex thing.

78. Instead of the State in the ShareDelta/Checkpoint records, how about
MessageState? (State is kind of overloaded/ambiguous)

79. One possible limitation with the current persistence model is that all
the share state is stored in one topic. It seems like we are going to be
storing a lot more state than we do in __consumer_offsets since we're
dealing with message-level acks. With aggressive checkpointing and
compaction, we can mitigate the storage requirements, but the throughput
could be a limiting factor. Have we considered other possibilities for


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