Thanks for the update.

I am wondering if we should use `ReadOnlyHeaders` instead of `ImmutableHeaders` as interface name?

Also, the returned `Header` interface is technically not immutable either, because `Header#key()` returns a mutable byte-array... Would we need a `ReadOnlyHeader` interface?

If yes, it seems that `ReadOnlyHeaders` should not be a super-interface of `Headers` but it would rather be a standalone interface, and a wrapper for a `Headers` instance? And `ReadOnlyHeader` would return some immutable type instead of `byte[]` for the value()?

An alternative would be to deep-copy the value byte-array what would not be free, but given that we are talking about exception handling, it would not be on the hot code path, and thus might be acceptable?

The above seems to increase the complexity significantly though. Hence, I have seconds thoughts on the immutability question:

Do we really need to worry about mutability after all, because in the end, KS runtime won't read the Headers instance after the handler was called, and if a user modifies the passed in headers, there won't be any actual damage (ie, no side effects)? For this case, it might even be ok to also not add `ImmutableHeaders` to begin with?

Sorry for the forth and back (yes, forth and back, because back and forth does not make sense -- it's not logical -- just trying to fix English :D) as I did bring up the immutability question in the first place...


On 4/25/24 5:56 AM, Loic Greffier wrote:
Hi Matthias,

I have updated the KIP regarding points 103 and 108.

I have suggested a new `ImmutableHeaders` interface to deal with the
immutability concern of the headers, which is basically the `Headers`
interface without the write accesses.

public interface ImmutableHeaders {
     Header lastHeader(String key);
     Iterable<Header> headers(String key);
     Header[] toArray();

The `Headers` interface can be updated accordingly:

public interface Headers extends ImmutableHeaders, Iterable<Header> {


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