Hi Jacky,

Could you elaborate a bit on your use cases, like why you want to manually
truncate logs? Kafka provide a set of configs for data retention based on
data size and time (for example maintaining as much as 100 GB or up to 7
days of old data), would that be sufficient to you?


On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 8:00 PM, Jacky.J.Wang (mis.cnxa01.Newegg) 43048 <
jacky.j.w...@newegg.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hello kafka
> I truncate data of kafka as follow
> 1:stop kafka service
> 2:delete zookeeper /broker/topics/topic and /consumers/group
> 3:delete kafka log dir
> 4:restart kafka service
> 5:recreate topic info
> but this way need to stop the service,so how truncate kafka topic data
> with no stopping kafka service?
> Eagerly awaiting your reply,thanks
> Best regards,
> Jacky.J.Wang
> Eng Software Engineer,NESC-XA
> Newegg Tech (Xian) Co., Ltd.
> 15th to 16th floor, 01 Plaza, Xi’an Software Park, No. 72 Keji 2nd Road,
> Xi’an P.R.China(710075)
> Once you know, you Newegg.
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