
That sounds a bit like needing a full, cross-app, cross-network
transaction/call tracing, and not something specific or limited to Kafka,
doesn't it?

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On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 2:43 PM, Bhavesh Mistry <mistry.p.bhav...@gmail.com>

> Hi Kafka Team/Users,
> We are using Linked-in Kafka data pipe-line end-to-end.
> Producer(s) ->Local DC Brokers -> MM -> Central brokers -> Camus Job ->
> This is working out very well for us, but we need to have visibility of
> latency at each layer (Local DC Brokers -> MM -> Central brokers -> Camus
> Job ->  HDFS).  Our events are time-based (time event was produce).  Is
> there any feature or any audit trail  mentioned at (
> https://github.com/linkedin/camus/) ?  But, I would like to know
> in-between
> latency and time event spent in each hope? So, we do not know where is
> problem and what t o optimize ?
> Any of this cover in 0.9.0 or any other version of upcoming Kafka release
> ?  How might we achive this  latency tracking across all components ?
> Thanks,
> Bhavesh

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