Hey Gwen,

Thanks for the feedback. As Joel said, these client configs do not introduce a 
producer/consumer zk dependency. It is configuration that is needed by the 

>From your comments, I gather that you are more worried about managing broker 
>internal configs via Zookeeper since we already have a file. So why have two 
>mechanisms? Given that we already manage topic specific configuration in ZK, 
>it seems a good fit to at least have client configs there since these config 
>parameters aren't really driven through a file anyway. It also maintains 

Even for broker configs, it seems very consistent to have all the overridden 
configs in one place which is easy to view and change. As you mentioned user's 
shouldn't ever have to fiddle with Zookeeper directly, our tooling should 
provide the ability to view and modify configs on a per-broker basis. I do like 
your suggestion of reloading config files but I'm not sure this works easily 
for everyone. For example, often these per-host overrides in config files are 
managed by hostname but what we really want are broker level overrides which 
means that it should ideally be tied to a broker-id which is a Kafka detail. In 
addition, sometimes these configs pushed to individual hosts aren't the 
properties files themselves.. rather some company specific stuff that also 
contains the Kafka configs. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that people 
may not be able to reload configs directly from file without doing some 
additional work in many cases.

As far as propogating configuration changes, perhaps I can clarify this section 
a bit more. Also, we can also do a pass over all the configs in KafkaConfig and 
have a list of properties that can be converted slowly.


From: Joel Koshy [jjkosh...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 5:14 PM
To: dev@kafka.apache.org
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-21 Configuration Management

>    1. I have deep concerns about managing configuration in ZooKeeper.
>    First, Producers and Consumers shouldn't depend on ZK at all, this seems
>    to add back a dependency we are trying to get away from.

The KIP probably needs to be clarified here - I don't think Aditya was
referring to client (producer/consumer) configs. These are global
client-id-specific configs that need to be managed centrally.
(Specifically, quota overrides on a per-client basis).

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