It doesn't look like there is a way to get all consumer groups via the wire
protocol/api. I can go to zookeeper and list all the children at
'/consumers' but would like to use zookeeper as minimally as possible.
Would this be a good feature to add the the ConsumerMetadataRequest? Am I
missing/misusing something here?

My initial thought was modeling it to parody the TopicMetadataRequest.
Where it takes a list of consumer groups, and if you leave it empty it will
return metadata for all. I would find this functionality useful for
monitoring/reporting tools and to be sure I am creating a new consumer
group instead of joining an existing one.

Note: I just made Jira KAFKA-2216
<>, which is somewhat
related to this discussion.

Thank you,

Grant Henke
Solutions Consultant | Cloudera | <> |

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