Just curious about deprecation policy and the version schemes. Consider a certain feature was deprecated in 0.9.2, so a WARN gets logged in that version. Does that now mean a (bug fix release) 0.9.3 will drop that feature? Shouldn't the dropping of the feature be done in a 0.10.0 release instead?

On Thursday 02 July 2015 06:27 AM, Ashish Singh wrote:
Hey Guys,

In last KIP hangout, we decided on following path for deprecating

1. Add deprecation warning to the tool for one release. In this case, the
warning will be added in 0.9.0.
2. Drop it completely in next release, 0.9.1.

I have updated the (KIP-23){
accordingly. {KAFKA-2307}(https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-2307)
is to remind up that we need to drop the tool in 0.9.1.

Let me know if I am missing out on any step that we decided on for the

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