Thank you for voting. 72 hours have passed and the vote has passed with 5
binding +1s and 5 non-binding +1s.

I filed and created a pull
request with the change.


On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 11:26 AM, Ismael Juma <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I would like to start a vote on dropping support for Scala 2.9 for the
> next release. People seemed to be in favour of the idea in previous
> discussions:
> *
> *
> Summary of why we should drop Scala 2.9:
> * Doubles the number of builds required from 2 to 4 (2.9.1 and 2.9.2 are
> not binary compatible).
> * Code has been committed to trunk that doesn't build with Scala 2.9 weeks
> ago and no-one seems to have noticed or cared (well, I filed
> Can we really support
> a version if we don't test it?
> * New clients library is written in Java and won't be affected. It also
> has received a lot of work and it's much improved since the last release.
> * It was released 4 years ago, it has been unsupported for a long time and
> most projects have dropped support for it (for example, we use a different
> version of ScalaTest for Scala 2.9)
> * Scala 2.10 introduced Futures and a few useful features like String
> interpolation and value classes.
> * Doesn't work with Java 8 (
> The reason not to drop it is to maintain compatibility for people stuck in
> 2.9 who also want to upgrade both client and broker to the next Kafka
> release.
> The vote will run for 72 hours.
> +1 (non-binding) from me.
> Best,
> Ismael

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