I think that Hadoop and Cassandra do [1] (Transparent Encryption)

We're doing [2] (on a side note, for [2] you still need authentication on
the producer side - you don't want an unauthorized user writing garbage).
Right now we have the 'user' doing the  encryption and submitting raw bytes
to the producer. I was suggesting implementing an encryptor in the
producer itself - I think it's cleaner and can be reused by other users
(instead of having to do their own encryption)


On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 4:04 PM, Jiangjie Qin <j...@linkedin.com.invalid>

> I think the goal here is to make the actual message stored on broker to be
> encrypted, because after we have SSL, the transmission would be encrypted.
> In general there might be tow approaches:
> 1. Broker do the encryption/decryption
> 2. Client do the encryption/decryption
> From performance point of view, I would prefer [2]. It is just in that
> case, maybe user does not necessarily need to use SSL anymore because the
> data would be encrypted anyway.
> If we let client do the encryption, there are also two ways to do so -
> either we let producer take an encryptor or users can do
> serialization/encryption outside the producer and send raw bytes. The only
> difference between the two might be flexibility. For example, if someone
> wants to know the actual bytes of a message that got sent over the wire,
> doing it outside the producer would probably more preferable.
> Jiangjie (Becket) Qin
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 12:16 PM, eugene miretsky <
> eugene.miret...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Based on the security wiki page
> > <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Security> encryption
> of
> > data at rest is out of scope for the time being. However, we are
> >  implementing  encryption in Kafka and would like to see if there is
> > interest in submitting a patch got it.
> >
> > I suppose that one way to implement  encryption would be to add an
> > 'encrypted key' field to the Message/MessageSet  structures in the
> > wire protocole - however, this is a very big and fundamental change.
> >
> > A simpler way to add encryption support would be:
> > 1) Custom Serializer, but it wouldn't be compatible with other  custom
> > serializers (Avro, etc. )
> > 2)  Add a step in KafkaProducer after serialization to encrypt the data
> > before it's being submitted to the accumulator (encryption is done in the
> > submitting thread, not in the producer io thread)
> >
> > Is there interest in adding #2 to Kafka?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Eugene
> >

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