
My company is currently looking at Kafka as message broker. One of key aspects 
is security.  I'm currently looking at authentication/authorization mechanisms 
in Kafka We have decided that SSL based 
authentication/authorization will be sufficient for us at  the begging.
We have managed to get mechanism working, but I have couple of questions:

1)      In page 
 you are describing username extraction mechanism like this: "When the client 
authenticates using SSL, the user name will be the first element in the Subject 
Alternate Name field of the client certificate.". I found it isn't implemented 
in current Kafka sources . Will it be implemented in the future?

2)      I found that currently username is a concatenation of standard 
certificate fields and it looks like this: 
"CN=writeuser,OU=Unknown,O=Unknown,L=Unknown,ST=Unknown,C=Unknown". It's ok for 
us, but it turned out that kafka.admin.AclCommand don't accept username 
containing commas, as they are used in list of users. To get it working I had 
to change  kafka.admin.AclCommand to accept commas in a username. The question 
is: am I doing something wrong or is it an unfinished feature?

Kind regards
Łukasz Dębowczyk

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