See <>


[cshapi] KAFKA-2681: Added SASL documentation

[...truncated 67 lines...]
 value DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP in object OffsetCommitRequest is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
                             commitTimestamp: Long = 
 value DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP in object OffsetCommitRequest is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
                             expireTimestamp: Long = 
org.apache.kafka.common.requests.OffsetCommitRequest.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP) {
 value DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP in object OffsetCommitRequest is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
            if (offsetAndMetadata.commitTimestamp == 
 a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting 
necessary parentheses
 a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting 
necessary parentheses
 value DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP in object OffsetCommitRequest is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
                        if (value.expireTimestamp == 
 value METADATA_FETCH_TIMEOUT_CONFIG in object ProducerConfig is deprecated: 
see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
 value TIMEOUT_CONFIG in object ProducerConfig is deprecated: see corresponding 
Javadoc for more information.
    props.put(ProducerConfig.TIMEOUT_CONFIG, config.requestTimeoutMs.toString)
 value BLOCK_ON_BUFFER_FULL_CONFIG in object ProducerConfig is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
      props.put(ProducerConfig.BLOCK_ON_BUFFER_FULL_CONFIG, "false")
 value BLOCK_ON_BUFFER_FULL_CONFIG in object ProducerConfig is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
    producerProps.put(ProducerConfig.BLOCK_ON_BUFFER_FULL_CONFIG, "true")
 value BLOCK_ON_BUFFER_FULL_CONFIG in object ProducerConfig is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
ProducerConfig.BLOCK_ON_BUFFER_FULL_CONFIG, "true")
 class BrokerEndPoint in object UpdateMetadataRequest is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
              new UpdateMetadataRequest.BrokerEndPoint(,, brokerEndPoint.port)
 constructor UpdateMetadataRequest in class UpdateMetadataRequest is 
deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
            new UpdateMetadataRequest(controllerId, controllerEpoch, 
liveBrokers.asJava, partitionStates.asJava)
 method readFromReadableChannel in class NetworkReceive is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
there were 15 feature warning(s); re-run with -feature for details
16 warnings found
:kafka-trunk-jdk7:core:processResources UP-TO-DATE
 uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

Building project 'core' with Scala version 2.11.7
:kafka-trunk-jdk7:clients:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:kafka-trunk-jdk7:clients:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:kafka-trunk-jdk7:clients:classes UP-TO-DATE
:kafka-trunk-jdk7:clients:determineCommitId UP-TO-DATE
:kafka-trunk-jdk7:clients:jar UP-TO-DATE
:kafka-trunk-jdk7:log4j-appender:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:kafka-trunk-jdk7:log4j-appender:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:kafka-trunk-jdk7:log4j-appender:classes UP-TO-DATE
:kafka-trunk-jdk7:log4j-appender:jar UP-TO-DATE
:kafka-trunk-jdk7:core:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
 value DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP in object OffsetCommitRequest is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
 value DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP in object OffsetCommitRequest is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
                             commitTimestamp: Long = 
 value DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP in object OffsetCommitRequest is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
                             expireTimestamp: Long = 
org.apache.kafka.common.requests.OffsetCommitRequest.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP) {
 value DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP in object OffsetCommitRequest is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
            if (offsetAndMetadata.commitTimestamp == 
 a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting 
necessary parentheses
 a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting 
necessary parentheses
 value DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP in object OffsetCommitRequest is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
                        if (value.expireTimestamp == 
 value METADATA_FETCH_TIMEOUT_CONFIG in object ProducerConfig is deprecated: 
see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
 value TIMEOUT_CONFIG in object ProducerConfig is deprecated: see corresponding 
Javadoc for more information.
    props.put(ProducerConfig.TIMEOUT_CONFIG, config.requestTimeoutMs.toString)
 value BLOCK_ON_BUFFER_FULL_CONFIG in object ProducerConfig is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
      props.put(ProducerConfig.BLOCK_ON_BUFFER_FULL_CONFIG, "false")
 value BLOCK_ON_BUFFER_FULL_CONFIG in object ProducerConfig is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
    producerProps.put(ProducerConfig.BLOCK_ON_BUFFER_FULL_CONFIG, "true")
 value BLOCK_ON_BUFFER_FULL_CONFIG in object ProducerConfig is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
ProducerConfig.BLOCK_ON_BUFFER_FULL_CONFIG, "true")
 method readLine in class DeprecatedConsole is deprecated: Use the method in
 method readLine in class DeprecatedConsole is deprecated: Use the method in
    if (!Console.readLine().equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
 class BrokerEndPoint in object UpdateMetadataRequest is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
              new UpdateMetadataRequest.BrokerEndPoint(,, brokerEndPoint.port)
 constructor UpdateMetadataRequest in class UpdateMetadataRequest is 
deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
            new UpdateMetadataRequest(controllerId, controllerEpoch, 
liveBrokers.asJava, partitionStates.asJava)
 method readFromReadableChannel in class NetworkReceive is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
there were 15 feature warnings; re-run with -feature for details
18 warnings found
:kafka-trunk-jdk7:core:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:kafka-trunk-jdk7:clients:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
:kafka-trunk-jdk7:clients:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
:kafka-trunk-jdk7:clients:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
:clients:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:clients:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:clients:classes UP-TO-DATE
:clients:determineCommitId UP-TO-DATE
:clients:jar UP-TO-DATE
:log4j-appender:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:log4j-appender:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:log4j-appender:classes UP-TO-DATE
:log4j-appender:jar UP-TO-DATE
:core:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
 value DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP in object OffsetCommitRequest is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
 value DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP in object OffsetCommitRequest is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
                             commitTimestamp: Long = 
 value DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP in object OffsetCommitRequest is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
                             expireTimestamp: Long = 
org.apache.kafka.common.requests.OffsetCommitRequest.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP) {
 value DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP in object OffsetCommitRequest is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
            if (offsetAndMetadata.commitTimestamp == 
 a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting 
necessary parentheses
 a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting 
necessary parentheses
 value DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP in object OffsetCommitRequest is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
                        if (value.expireTimestamp == 
 value METADATA_FETCH_TIMEOUT_CONFIG in object ProducerConfig is deprecated: 
see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
 value TIMEOUT_CONFIG in object ProducerConfig is deprecated: see corresponding 
Javadoc for more information.
    props.put(ProducerConfig.TIMEOUT_CONFIG, config.requestTimeoutMs.toString)
 value BLOCK_ON_BUFFER_FULL_CONFIG in object ProducerConfig is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
      props.put(ProducerConfig.BLOCK_ON_BUFFER_FULL_CONFIG, "false")
 value BLOCK_ON_BUFFER_FULL_CONFIG in object ProducerConfig is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
    producerProps.put(ProducerConfig.BLOCK_ON_BUFFER_FULL_CONFIG, "true")
 value BLOCK_ON_BUFFER_FULL_CONFIG in object ProducerConfig is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
ProducerConfig.BLOCK_ON_BUFFER_FULL_CONFIG, "true")
 class BrokerEndPoint in object UpdateMetadataRequest is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
              new UpdateMetadataRequest.BrokerEndPoint(,, brokerEndPoint.port)
 constructor UpdateMetadataRequest in class UpdateMetadataRequest is 
deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
            new UpdateMetadataRequest(controllerId, controllerEpoch, 
liveBrokers.asJava, partitionStates.asJava)
 method readFromReadableChannel in class NetworkReceive is deprecated: see 
corresponding Javadoc for more information.
there were 15 feature warning(s); re-run with -feature for details
16 warnings found
:core:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:clients:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
:clients:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
:clients:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
:core:copyDependantLibs UP-TO-DATE
:core:jar UP-TO-DATE
:examples:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:streams:compileJavaNote: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.

:streams:processResources UP-TO-DATE
 warning - Tag @link: reference not found: WakeupException

1 warning
:clients:signArchives SKIPPED
:tools:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:contrib:hadoop-consumer:compileJavaNote: Some input files use or override a 
deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.

:contrib:hadoop-consumer:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:contrib:hadoop-producer:processResources UP-TO-DATE
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Could not add entry 
 to cache fileHashes.bin 
> Corrupted FreeListBlock 530210 found in cache 
> '<'.>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug 
option to get more log output.


Total time: 4 mins 14.471 secs
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording test results
ERROR: Publisher 'Publish JUnit test result report' failed: No test report 
files were found. Configuration error?

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