Hello Jun,

Could we have a KIP call tomorrow to discuss some of the outstanding KIPs.
As 0.10 code freeze date, as per current suggestion, is fast approaching,
it will really help out with moving forward with following KIPs.

* KIP-4: Command line and centralized operations
* KIP-35: Retrieve protocol version
* KIP-43: Kafka SASL enhancements
* KIP-48: Support for delegation tokens
* KIP-50: Enhance Authorizer interface to be aware of supported Principal

Please feel free to add any other KIPs which we deem important for 0.10.
Not all the above KIPs need to be discussed, as some of them are already in
voting phase, like KIP-43. However, some KIPs, like KIP-35, KIP-48 and
KIP-50 have a few points that we can talk about and help them in moving


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