Hi Team,

In order to make sure that the eventual 0.10.0 release will include
everything we are working on, we agreed to merge trunk into 0.10.0 branch
on a weekly basis.

I just rebased 0.10.0 on trunk and pushed:

Chens-MacBook-Pro:kafka gwen$ git push apache 0.10.0
Counting objects: 266, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (164/164), done.
Writing objects: 100% (266/266), 33.56 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 266 (delta 138), reused 78 (delta 27)
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-3477: extended KStream/KTable API to
specify custom partitioner for sinks
remote: kafka git commit: MINOR: update new version in additional places
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-3508: Fix transient SimpleACLAuthorizerTest
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-3384: Conform to POSIX kill usage
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-3489; Update request metrics if a client
closes a connection while the broker response is in flight
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-2998: log warnings when client is
disconnected from bootstrap brokers
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-3464: Add system tests for Connect with
Kafka security enabled
remote: kafka git commit: HOTFIX: set timestamp in SinkNode
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-3495; NetworkClient.blockingSendAndReceive`
should rely on requestTimeout
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-3419: clarify difference between topic
subscription and partition assignment
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-2844; Separate keytabs for sasl tests
remote: kafka git commit: MINOR: small code optimizations in streams
remote: kafka git commit: MINOR: Add check for empty topics iterator in
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-3407 - ErrorLoggingCallback trims helpful
diagnostic information.
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-3445: Validate TASKS_MAX_CONFIG's lower
remote: kafka git commit: MINOR: update new version in additional places
remote: kafka git commit: Changing version to
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-2930: Update references to ZooKeeper in the
remote: kafka git commit: KAFKA-3510; OffsetIndex thread safety
remote: kafka git commit: Changing version to
remote: kafka git commit: MINOR: Revert 0.10.0 branch to SNAPSHOT per
change in release process
To https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/kafka.git
   e0ac36f..0773bc4  0.10.0 -> 0.10.0

If you are seeing any issues, let me know so I can figure out what to do :)


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