I am running "mvn test" as per tip from
https://github.com/confluentinc/examples/tree/master/kafka-streams README.MD.
This uses embedded Kafka components from test alone (no ZK, Kafka,
schema-registry running).

I monitor on OSX El Capitan (10.11.5) memory usage and it grows on Java
processes from nothing to about 1.3GB when it fails to execute last 2 tests
with Java out of memory exceptions. Selecting 2 tests to avoid makes the
test pass but with my 4GB system, I cannot pass them all.

Is that relatively large memory consumption to be expected on these test

I'd like to run stand-alone from jar and I'll be able to do so by excluding
test cases.

Fyi, on mailing list I see only 1 issue related to Streams and memory if
that's any relevant (KAFKA-3738).


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